Celebrate Canadian Human Rights Activism!

, Happy Canada Day! We mark today by celebrating amazing Canadians, from coast to coast, who are incredible human rights activists.


, Canadians across Canada organize events from flash mobs to book clubs, educate their communities on human rights issues, send solidarity to victims of human rights violations, and tirelessly take action to protect human rights across the world! Thank you! Your voice, your action, your determination can change the world.






, Activists enjoy music at the Amnesty Halifax office




, Activists silent disco in the streets of Montreal for the Dance for Rights event. 



, Activists protest in the snow for Raif Badawi outside of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Ottawa



, Activists hold solidarity signs as they march in the Pride Parade in Ottawa



, Activists in Toronto celebrate Nowruz by standing up for Iranian activists




, Amnesty International Toronto activists march at the Toronto Pride Parade




, Youth from all over the GTA gather to learn and mobilize during the iAmnesty Youth Conference



, Volunteers and supporters at Run for Rights event by Amnesty Group 19 in Winnipeg



, No More Stolen Sisters event by Amnesty International Saskatchewan



, Amnesty International Saskatchewan activists at the Cathedral Village Arts Festival.




, Activists in Saskatchewan walk in the snow for the February 14th Vigil for missing and murdered Indigenous Women




, Amnesty Club fundraiser at Simon Fraser University




, AmnesTEA at O5 Rare Tea Bar in Vancover. Raising awareness of human rights across the globe over tea and chocolate pairings.




, Activists gather for a Stop Torture event in Vancouver.
