Behrouz Ehsani, 69, and Mehdi Hassani, 48, are at immediate risk of execution. In early January, Iran’s Supreme Court upheld their death sentences. On January 26, authorities transferred them from Tehran’s Evin Prison to Ghezel Hesar Prison in Alborz Province, sparking fears that their executions could happen at any moment. Their trial was grossly unfair, riddled with allegations of torture and forced “confessions.” Both men now face a grave injustice that demands urgent action to save their lives.
Here’s what you can do:
Write to the Head of Judiciary urging the Iranian government to:
- Immediately halt any plans to execute Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani and quash their convictions and sentences.
- Grant them regular access to their families, independently chosen lawyers, and any necessary medical care.
- Protect them from further torture or ill-treatment and conduct an impartial investigation into their torture allegations, ensuring that anyone found responsible is brought to justice in fair trials without resorting to the death penalty.
- Establish an official moratorium on executions as a step toward abolishing the death penalty.
Write to:
Head of judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei
c/o Embassy of Iran to the European Union,
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt No. 15,
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Salutation: Dear Mr. Gholamhossein, Mohseni Ejei,
Imminent execution threat
Behrouz Ehsani, 69, and Mehdi Hassani, 48, face immediate execution following the Supreme Court’s decision on January 7, 2025, to uphold their death sentences. Convicted on September 15, 2024, after a deeply flawed trial, they were charged with “armed rebellion against the state” (baghi), “enmity against God” (moharebeh), and “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel-arz) for alleged ties to the banned People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI).
Despite denying the charges and seeking a judicial review, their transfer on January 26, 2025, from Evin Prison to Ghezel Hesar Prison—known for carrying out executions—has raised fears of their imminent deaths. Families and lawyers remain in the dark about their status.

Torture and unfair trials
Ehsani and Hassani were arrested in 2022 and subjected to torture during interrogations. Ehsani spent 50 days in solitary confinement, enduring psychological abuse, threats of flogging, and harm to his family. Hassani suffered six months of solitary confinement, beatings, and similar threats.
Both were denied family contact during these periods. Their trial on August 10, 2024, lasted just five minutes in a Revolutionary Court in Tehran. They were denied legal representation for nearly two years, and authorities ignored their torture allegations.
Resistance through hunger strikes
Since February 2024, Ehsani and Hassani have participated in the “No to Execution Tuesdays” hunger strike, a campaign opposing the rampant use of the death penalty in Iran. This initiative, led by death row prisoners, has inspired solidarity from activists, including Nobel laureate Narges Mohammadi and women imprisoned for political reasons in Evin Prison. In September 2024, Ehsani’s smuggled letter called for international support, stating:
“After 22 months of uncertainty, they [the authorities] have now issued a death sentence against me without any evidence. … The silence of the international community emboldens this regime to carry out its executions. Join us in the ‘No to Executions’ Tuesday movement.”
Behrouz Ehsani, 69
A system of injustice
Iran’s Revolutionary Courts are known for systemic unfairness, including denial of legal counsel, coerced confessions, and a lack of impartial tribunals. Amnesty International has documented hundreds of cases of arbitrary executions following such trials.
Since the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising in 2022, executions have escalated, with at least 853 recorded in 2023—a 48% increase from the previous year. This execution spree continued in 2024, targeting dissidents, protesters, and ethnic minorities. The international community must act now to prevent further violations and hold Iran accountable for these abuses.
Please take action as soon as possible until March 24, 2025! The UA will be duly updated should there be the need for further action.