Call for Nominations: Circle of Knowledge Keepers

During 2018, Amnesty International took a close look at our work in the Americas and specifically our advocacy for the human rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our work around the rights of Indigenous Peoples has grown from 6 cases in 2007 to 38 cases in 2018. Although, we still tend to prioritize work on individual civil and political rights cases, there is a clear ongoing effort to respond to the complexity of the problems and agendas Indigenous Peoples face. This evolution of our work has benefited enormously from long-term relationships with Indigenous communities and people.

The complexity and historical depth of human rights violations, and the dynamics of the communities and organizations of Indigenous Peoples, require careful relationship building and the implementation of long-term strategies to create real change in the face of ongoing colonization.

In September 2019, AI Canada hired a new Indigenous Rights Campaign Advisor, Ana Collins, who is working to establish a Circle of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers who will guide the work of the section in our continued defense of the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The purpose of the Circle of Knowledge Keepers is to provide recommendations reflecting a broad spectrum of Indigenous perspectives and based on the best available science and traditional knowledge on the direction and focus of the work Amnesty Canada does with Indigenous rights holders.

We are actively accepting nominations for remunerated members of the Circle of Knowledge Keepers

Relevant skills and experience might include:

In addition to having led an exceptional life based on the traditions, customs and culture an elder or knowledge keeper could have qualities such as:

  • knowledgeable of Indigenous heritage and history;
  • knowledgeable and supportive of traditional Indigenous ceremonies, protocols and songs;
  • Possess fluency and competency in an Indigenous language;
  • Demonstrate and advocate for traditional leadership, traditional governance and traditional law;
  • aware and supportive of Treaty rights and history;
  • acknowledge the diversity of Indigenous cultures, languages and;
  • work to ensure the inter-generational transfer of traditional Indigenous knowledge, history, culture, language and practices to youth


  • Attend monthly Circle meetings either in person or by phone or Skype
  • Attend one yearly face to face meeting
  • Advise on Indigenous rights from a perspective grounded in community and traditional teachings
  • Help Amnesty Campaign staff broaden and deepen their relationships with Indigenous communities and people
  • Identify priorities related to Indigenous rights and campaign development
  • Commit approximately 3 hours a month to possible additional collaboration
  • Please note that Circle members’ terms, mandate and vision will be developed by the Circle within the first three months.

If you can nominate an Individual to the Circle of Knowledge Keepers, contact: Ana Collins at