30 days for refugees – Day 23

Families that are fleeing conflict are often separated along the way, and sometimes they have to make difficult decisions about where to stay. This can be a huge source of stress for refugees when they are resettled, as they are constantly thinking about the family members they have left behind. Louai’s story here shows just how important connections to family elsewhere are.

Some countries allow for families to reunited, which means that refugees can bring over family members if they can help support them.

Today, find out what your government’s policy is on family reunification. See if there is any way you can tell your politicians to allow more families to be reunited.

To see why this is important, here is Randa and Sham’s story.

Randa fled Aleppo, Syria with her immediate family, including baby Sham, who was just one at the time. Now aged four, Sham has only ever seen her grandparents on Skype. It is hugely stressful for Randa to have family still waiting for a lasting solution.

So Randa was delighted that the community around her in Peterborough, Canada, which she now calls home, rallied around her to raise the funds required so she could be reunited with her family.

Randa Alftih pictured in the restaurant she now runs with her husband, Mohammed, in Peterborough, Canada. “When we arrived the sponsors tasted my food and they always said it’s so good,” says Randa, “So we started thinking to make it into a business.” ©Stephanie Foden/Amnesty International

But not everyone has this option available to them. Please look into what the policy and law is in your country and see if you can lobby 
