June 20th is World Refugee Day, a day to honour the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their homes. It is also a wonderful opportunity to join together to demand that Canada welcomes and upholds the rights of refugees.
Fight Back Against the Safe Third Country Agreement
The Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) puts refugees at risk, which is why Amnesty and our partners have been fighting against it since it came into effect in 2004. It prevents many people crossing Canada’s land borders from seeking refugee protection in Canada. Instead, people are turned around and sent back to the US, where they are at risk of arbitrary detention and potential return to danger and persecution in their country of origin. Despite calls from human rights advocates and activists to end the agreement, the government expanded it, putting refugees at even greater risk.
What can you do?
1. March for Refugee Rights
Across the country, people are marching in the days leading up to World Refugee Day to oppose the Safe Third Country Agreement and its expansion.
Reaching safety in Canada is an obstacle course full of danger for the vast majority of people who walk across countries and continents to find safety. For many of these people, there is no line to wait in, no immigration program meant for them. Their only choice when faced with danger is to flee in the direction of safety, by boat, bus, and foot. Walk in solidarity with people seeking safety in Canada!
From June 17-19, march from Montreal to Roxham Road. For more information, visit: Events | Amnesty International Canada.
On June 19, join refugee rights advocates at 5 PM for a march from Parliament Hill to the Supreme Court of Canada. This will coincide with the Montreal March’s arrival to Roxham Road on Monday evening. Please RSVP to Emilio Rodriquez (emilio@cpj.ca) to let him know if you plan to join! Visit the event page: Events | Amnesty International Canada
On June 19, march from Minister Mendicino’s office to Ireland Park at the Waterfront. For more information, visit: Events | Amnesty International Canada.

Plan/Find a walk in another city
Gather friends, family, and community members, and plan your own walk. Get creative with signs at graphics, or feel free to use the graphics created by Melissa Claisse.
You can also check this link to see if a walk is being planned in your city.
2. Write a Letter to the Government
Stand with refugees by telling the government to withdraw from the Safe Third Country Agreement. Write your own letter or sign the action below: